On March 26, Assistant Minister for Treasury, Trade, and Investment, Jennifer Howard, joined TIQ CEO Justin McGowan and Migration Queensland’s General Manager, Toni Brownie, launched the Skilled Workforce Attraction Office (SWAO).

So, what does SWAO do?

SWAO aims to support Queensland’s government and industries, ensuring the best talent is coming to the State. We’ll likely see further input from SWAO in the coming financial year for skilled migration, which commences from 1 July 2024.

Queensland closed their nomination program for the financial year on 10 May 2024. It is highly unlikely any further invitations will be issued from the state between now and when the program re-opens in the new financial year.

Before closure, Queensland was on track to nominate 1550 skilled migrants for the 2023-24 financial year. Interestingly, the top ten occupations for the state were:

  • Software Engineer;
  • Mechanical Engineer;
  • Accountant;
  • Chef;
  • Electrical Engineer;
  • Resident Medical Officers;
  • Café or Restaurant Manager;
  • Civil Engineer;
  • Motor Mechanic;
  • ICT Business Analyst.

Unsurprisingly, the State has focused their invitations on the engineering, medical and hospitality sectors. Very interesting to see Accountants and Motor Mechanics slipping in there!

Will Queensland continue focusing on these areas come the 2024-25 financial year? We’ll likely find out in the coming months.

For more information on your migration needs, contact us at [email protected].