Cracking Down on Visa Hopping!

Cracking Down on Visa Hopping!

The Australian government is introducing significant changes to combat visa hopping in the Student (Subclass 500) visa scheme, ensuring that pathways to study in Australia are more genuine and streamlined. Effective 1 July 2024, visitor visa holders will no longer be...
New Perks for UK Passport Holders: Subclass 417 Work Exemption

New Perks for UK Passport Holders: Subclass 417 Work Exemption

Starting 1 July 2024, UK passport holders will benefit from new arrangements under the Working Holiday Maker programme and Youth Mobility Scheme, following the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement. Eligible second and third Working Holiday (Subclass 417) visa...
Important Updates on 417 Visa Work Conditions

Important Updates on 417 Visa Work Conditions

Starting January 1, 2024, the Australian government has introduced exemptions to the 8547 condition for 417 visa holders, allowing visa holders to work for the same employer for more than 6 months without seeking prior permission in specific situations. These include...