Exciting stats from Home Affairs, here are some fun migration facts from the last financial year:

75 Years of Australian Citizenship: Celebrating a 75-year milestone, there has been a 13% increase in citizenship applications from July to December 2023, with a 14% improvement in processing times.

Stronger Humanitarian Program: The Refugee and Humanitarian program hit its target with 17,875 visas granted in 2022-2023. Now expanded to 20,000 places for 2023-2024.

Addressing Skill and Labour Shortages: Over 26,000 new applications for temporary skilled visas since July 2023 and notable growth in labour agreements.

Visitor Visas Supporting Tourism: A 13.3% increase in visitor visas, with a 40% surge in applications and 28% increase in finalisations from July to December 2023.

You can access the Administration of the Immigration and Citizenship Programs paper here.

Need support with your Australian visa or Citizenship application? Contact [email protected]