As the new financial year begins, and we settle the dust from the previous year, let’s explore the key immigration changes effective from 1 July 2024.

Immigration Impacts of the 2024-25 Budget

The 2024-25 federal budget caps the Permanent Migration Programme at 185,000 places, with 132,200 allocated to the Skill stream, reflecting a focus on long-term skill needs.

See the full article here.

Increase in TSMIT

The Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) has increased from AUD 70,000 to AUD 73,150. This ensures that temporary skilled workers are fairly compensated and aligns with current labour market conditions.

See the full article here.

Working Holiday Visa Updates

UK passport holders can enjoy new benefits under the Working Holiday Maker programme and Youth Mobility Scheme, as part of the Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement. The ‘specified work’ requirement is eliminated for second and third Working Holiday (Subclass 417) visa applicants. UK passport holders aged 18-35 can now apply for up to three separate Working Holiday visas without the need for specified work, making it easier to experience and work in Australia!

See the full articles here: Australia-UK FTA, New Perks for UK Passport Holders

Adjustments to Temporary Work Visas

Visa conditions 8107, 8607, and 8608 have been amended to prevent worker exploitation and enhance productivity. Temporary Work visa holders who leave their sponsoring employer now have up to 180 days at a time or a total of 365 days during the visa period to secure a new sponsor, apply for a different visa, or arrange to depart Australia. This period allows them to work for other employers, including in roles outside their initial occupation.

See the full article here.

Changes to Temporary Graduate (Sc 485) Visa

The Migration Amendment (Graduate Visas) Regulations 2024 introduces several changes. The Graduate Work stream is renamed the Post-Vocational Education Workstream, and the Post-Study Work stream becomes the Post-Higher Education Workstream. The maximum eligible age for these visas is now 35 years, except for Hong Kong and British National Overseas passport holders, and PhD graduates, who can apply until 50. The Skilled-Recognised Graduate (Sc 476) visa is permanently closed to new applicants from 1 July 2024.

See the full article here.

Updates to Partner Visas

Key updates include removing the need for Prospective Marriage (Sc 309) and Partner (Sc 100) visa applicants to remain sponsored if the relationship ends due to the sponsor’s death, having a child, or experiencing family violence. Family violence provisions now extend to Prospective Marriage (Sc 300) visa holders and some former holders. The terminology around family violence in the Migration Regulations has also been updated for a more empathetic approach.

See the full article here.

Stay informed and find out how these changes might impact you. For detailed information and personalised assistance, contact us at [email protected].